Source code for wpull.string

# encoding=utf-8
'''String and binary data functions.'''
import codecs
import itertools

from wpull.thirdparty.dammit import UnicodeDammit, EncodingDetector

[docs]def to_bytes(instance, encoding='utf-8', error='strict'): '''Convert an instance recursively to bytes.''' if isinstance(instance, bytes): return instance elif hasattr(instance, 'encode'): return instance.encode(encoding, error) elif isinstance(instance, list): return list([to_bytes(item, encoding, error) for item in instance]) elif isinstance(instance, tuple): return tuple([to_bytes(item, encoding, error) for item in instance]) elif isinstance(instance, dict): return dict( [(to_bytes(key, encoding, error), to_bytes(value, encoding, error)) for key, value in instance.items()]) else: return instance
[docs]def to_str(instance, encoding='utf-8'): '''Convert an instance recursively to string.''' if isinstance(instance, str): return instance elif hasattr(instance, 'decode'): return instance.decode(encoding) elif isinstance(instance, list): return list([to_str(item, encoding) for item in instance]) elif isinstance(instance, tuple): return tuple([to_str(item, encoding) for item in instance]) elif isinstance(instance, dict): return dict( [(to_str(key, encoding), to_str(value, encoding)) for key, value in instance.items()]) else: return instance
[docs]def normalize_codec_name(name): '''Return the Python name of the encoder/decoder Returns: str, None ''' name = UnicodeDammit.CHARSET_ALIASES.get(name.lower(), name) try: return codecs.lookup(name).name except (LookupError, TypeError, ValueError): # TypeError occurs when name contains \x00 (ValueError in Py3.5) pass
[docs]def detect_encoding(data, encoding=None, fallback='latin1', is_html=False): '''Detect the character encoding of the data. Returns: str: The name of the codec Raises: ValueError: The codec could not be detected. This error can only occur if fallback is not a "lossless" codec. ''' if encoding: encoding = normalize_codec_name(encoding) bs4_detector = EncodingDetector( data, override_encodings=(encoding,) if encoding else (), is_html=is_html ) candidates = itertools.chain(bs4_detector.encodings, (fallback,)) for candidate in candidates: if not candidate: continue candidate = normalize_codec_name(candidate) if not candidate: continue if candidate == 'ascii' and fallback != 'ascii': # it's never ascii :) # Falling back on UTF-8/CP-1252/Latin-1 reduces chance of # failure continue if try_decoding(data, candidate): return candidate raise ValueError('Unable to detect encoding.')
[docs]def try_decoding(data, encoding): '''Return whether the Python codec could decode the data.''' try: data.decode(encoding, 'strict') except UnicodeError: # Data under 16 bytes is very unlikely to be truncated if len(data) > 16: for trim in (1, 2, 3): trimmed_data = data[:-trim] if trimmed_data: try: trimmed_data.decode(encoding, 'strict') except UnicodeError: continue else: return True return False else: return True
[docs]def format_size(num, format_str='{num:.1f} {unit}'): '''Format the file size into a human readable text. ''' for unit in ('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB'): if -1024 < num < 1024: return format_str.format(num=num, unit=unit) num /= 1024.0 return format_str.format(num=num, unit='TiB')
ALL_BYTES = bytes(bytearray(range(256))) CONTROL_BYTES = bytes(bytearray( itertools.chain(range(0, 32), range(127, 256)) ))
[docs]def printable_bytes(data): '''Remove any bytes that is not printable ASCII. This function is intended for sniffing content types such as UTF-16 encoded text. ''' return data.translate(ALL_BYTES, CONTROL_BYTES)
[docs]def printable_str(text, keep_newlines=False): '''Escape any control or non-ASCII characters from string. This function is intended for use with strings from an untrusted source such as writing to a console or writing to logs. It is designed to prevent things like ANSI escape sequences from showing. Use :func:`repr` or :func:`ascii` instead for things such as Exception messages. ''' if isinstance(text, str): new_text = ascii(text)[1:-1] else: new_text = ascii(text) if keep_newlines: new_text = new_text.replace('\\r', '\r').replace('\\n', '\n') return new_text
[docs]def coerce_str_to_ascii(string): '''Force the contents of the string to be ASCII. Anything not ASCII will be replaced with with a replacement character. .. deprecated :: 0.1002 Use :func:`printable_str` instead. ''' return string.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii')