Source code for wpull.scraper.html

'''HTML link extractor.'''
import collections
import gettext
import itertools
import logging
import re

import wpull.util
from wpull.backport.logging import StyleAdapter
from wpull.document.html import HTMLReader
from wpull.document.htmlparse.element import Element
from wpull.document.util import detect_response_encoding
from wpull.pipeline.item import LinkType
from wpull.scraper.base import BaseHTMLScraper, ScrapeResult, LinkContext
from wpull.scraper.util import urljoin_safe, clean_link_soup, parse_refresh, \
    is_likely_inline, is_likely_link, is_unlikely_link, identify_link_type
from wpull.url import percent_decode

_ = gettext.gettext
_logger = StyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

LinkInfo = collections.namedtuple(
        'element', 'tag', 'attrib', 'link',
        'inline', 'linked', 'base_link', 'value_type',
'''Information about a link in a lxml document.

    element: An instance of :class:`.document.HTMLReadElement`.
    tag (str): The element tag name.
    attrib (str, None): If ``str``, the name of the attribute. Otherwise,
        the link was found in ``element.text``.
    link (str): The link found.
    inline (bool): Whether the link is an embedded object (like images or
    linked (bool): Whether the link is a link to another page.
    base_link (str, None): The base URL.
    value_type (str): Indicates how the link was found. Possible values are

        * ``plain``: The link was found plainly in an attribute value.
        * ``list``: The link was found in a space separated list.
        * ``css``: The link was found in a CSS text.
        * ``refresh``: The link was found in a refresh meta string.
        * ``script``: The link was found in JavaScript text.
        * ``srcset``: The link was found in a ``srcset`` attribute.

    link_type: A value from :class:`item.LinkInfo`.

[docs]class HTMLScraper(HTMLReader, BaseHTMLScraper): '''Scraper for HTML documents. Args: html_parser (class:`.document.htmlparse.base.BaseParser`): An HTML parser such as the lxml or html5lib one. element_walker (class:`ElementWalker`): HTML element walker. followed_tags: A list of tags that should be scraped ignored_tags: A list of tags that should not be scraped robots: If True, discard any links if they cannot be followed only_relative: If True, discard any links that are not absolute paths ''' def __init__(self, html_parser, element_walker, followed_tags=None, ignored_tags=None, robots=False, only_relative=False, encoding_override=None): super().__init__(html_parser) self._element_walker = element_walker self._robots = robots self._only_relative = only_relative self._encoding_override = encoding_override if followed_tags is not None: self._followed_tags = frozenset( [tag.lower() for tag in followed_tags]) else: self._followed_tags = None if ignored_tags is not None: self._ignored_tags = frozenset( [tag.lower() for tag in ignored_tags]) else: self._ignored_tags = None
[docs] def scrape(self, request, response, link_type=None): if not self.is_supported(request=request, response=response): return if link_type and link_type != LinkType.html: return base_url = request.url_info.url content_file = response.body encoding = self._encoding_override \ or detect_response_encoding(response, is_html=True) link_contexts = set() try: with wpull.util.reset_file_offset(content_file): elements = self.iter_elements(content_file, encoding=encoding) result_meta_info = self._process_elements( elements, response, base_url, link_contexts ) except (UnicodeError, self._html_parser.parser_error) as error: _logger.warning( _('Failed to read document at ‘{url}’: {error}'), url=request.url_info.url, error=error ) result_meta_info = {} if result_meta_info.get('robots_no_follow'): link_contexts.discard(frozenset( context for context in link_contexts if context.linked )) scrape_result = ScrapeResult(link_contexts, encoding) scrape_result['base_url'] = base_url return scrape_result
def _process_elements(self, elements, response, base_url, link_contexts): robots_check_needed = self._robots robots_no_follow = False inject_refresh = True doc_base_url = None for element in elements: if not isinstance(element, Element): continue if robots_check_needed and ElementWalker.robots_cannot_follow(element): robots_check_needed = False robots_no_follow = True if not doc_base_url and element.tag == 'base': doc_base_url = urljoin_safe( base_url, clean_link_soup(element.attrib.get('href', '')) ) link_infos = self._element_walker.iter_links_element(element) if inject_refresh and 'Refresh' in response.fields: link = parse_refresh(response.fields['Refresh']) if link: link_info = LinkInfo( element=None, tag='_refresh', attrib=None, link=link, inline=False, linked=True, base_link=None, value_type='refresh', link_type=None # treat it as a redirect ) link_infos = itertools.chain(link_infos, [link_info]) inject_refresh = False else: inject_refresh = False for link_info in link_infos: if self._only_relative: if link_info.base_link or '://' in continue if not self._is_accepted(link_info.tag): continue element_base_url = doc_base_url or base_url if link_info.base_link: clean_base_url = clean_link_soup(link_info.base_link) if clean_base_url: element_base_url = urljoin_safe( base_url, clean_base_url ) or base_url cleaned_url = clean_link_soup( if not cleaned_url: continue url = urljoin_safe( element_base_url, cleaned_url, allow_fragments=False ) if url: link_contexts.add(LinkContext( url, inline=link_info.inline, linked=link_info.linked, link_type=link_info.link_type, extra=link_info, )) return {'robots_no_follow': robots_no_follow}
[docs] def scrape_file(self, file, encoding=None, base_url=None): '''Scrape a file for links. See :meth:`scrape` for the return value. ''' elements = self.iter_elements(file, encoding=encoding) link_contexts = set() link_infos = self._element_walker.iter_links(elements) for link_info in link_infos: element_base_url = base_url if link_info.base_link: clean_base_url = clean_link_soup(link_info.base_link) if element_base_url and base_url: element_base_url = urljoin_safe( base_url, clean_base_url ) or base_url if element_base_url: url = urljoin_safe( element_base_url, clean_link_soup(, allow_fragments=False ) else: url = clean_link_soup( if url: link_contexts.add(LinkContext( url, inline=link_info.inline, linked=link_info.linked, link_type=link_info.link_type, extra=link_info )) scrape_result = ScrapeResult(link_contexts, encoding) scrape_result['base_url'] = base_url return scrape_result
def _is_accepted(self, element_tag): '''Return if the link is accepted by the filters.''' element_tag = element_tag.lower() if self._ignored_tags is not None \ and element_tag in self._ignored_tags: return False if self._followed_tags is not None: return element_tag in self._followed_tags else: return True
[docs]class ElementWalker(object): LINK_ATTRIBUTES = frozenset([ 'action', 'archive', 'background', 'cite', 'classid', 'codebase', 'data', 'href', 'longdesc', 'profile', 'src', 'usemap', 'dynsrc', 'lowsrc', ]) '''HTML element attributes that may contain links.''' ATTR_INLINE = 1 '''Flag for embedded objects (like images, stylesheets) in documents.''' ATTR_HTML = 2 '''Flag for links that point to other documents.''' TAG_ATTRIBUTES = { 'a': {'href': ATTR_HTML}, 'applet': {'code': ATTR_INLINE}, 'area': {'href': ATTR_HTML}, 'bgsound': {'src': ATTR_INLINE}, 'body': {'background': ATTR_INLINE}, 'embed': {'href': ATTR_HTML, 'src': ATTR_INLINE | ATTR_HTML}, 'fig': {'src': ATTR_INLINE}, 'form': {'action': ATTR_HTML}, 'frame': {'src': ATTR_INLINE | ATTR_HTML}, 'iframe': {'src': ATTR_INLINE | ATTR_HTML}, 'img': { 'href': ATTR_INLINE, 'lowsrc': ATTR_INLINE, 'src': ATTR_INLINE}, 'input': {'src': ATTR_INLINE}, 'layer': {'src': ATTR_INLINE | ATTR_HTML}, 'object': {'data': ATTR_INLINE}, 'overlay': {'src': ATTR_INLINE | ATTR_HTML}, 'script': {'src': ATTR_INLINE}, 'table': {'background': ATTR_INLINE}, 'td': {'background': ATTR_INLINE}, 'th': {'background': ATTR_INLINE}, } '''Mapping of element tag names to attributes containing links.''' DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTES = ('onkey', 'oncli', 'onmou') '''Attributes that contain JavaScript.''' OPEN_GRAPH_MEDIA_NAMES = ( 'og:image', 'og:audio', 'og:video', 'twitter:image:src', 'twitter:image0', 'twitter:image1', 'twitter:image2', 'twitter:image3', 'twitter:player:stream', ) OPEN_GRAPH_LINK_NAMES = ( 'og:url', 'twitter:player' ) '''Iterate elements looking for links. Args: css_scraper (:class:`.scraper.css.CSSScraper`): Optional CSS scraper. javascript_scraper (:class:`.scraper.javascript.JavaScriptScraper): Optional JavaScript scraper. ''' def __init__(self, css_scraper=None, javascript_scraper=None): self.css_scraper = css_scraper self.javascript_scraper = javascript_scraper @classmethod @classmethod @classmethod @classmethod @classmethod @classmethod @classmethod @classmethod @classmethod
[docs] def robots_cannot_follow(cls, element): '''Return whether we cannot follow links due to robots.txt directives. ''' return ( element.tag == 'meta' and element.attrib.get('name', '').lower() == 'robots' and 'nofollow' in element.attrib.get('value', '').lower() )