Source code for

'''Listing parser.'''
import re

import itertools
import namedlist

from import parse_datetime

FileEntry = namedlist.namedtuple(
        ('type', None),
        ('size', None),
        ('date', None),
        ('dest', None),
        ('perm', None)
'''A row in a listing.

    name (str): Filename.
    type (str, None): ``file``, ``dir``, ``symlink``, ``other``, ``None``
    size (int, None): Size of file.
    date (:class:`datetime.datetime`, None): A datetime object in UTC.
    dest (str, None): Destination filename for symlinks.
    perm (int, None): Unix permissions expressed as an integer.

[docs]class ListingError(ValueError): '''Error during parsing a listing.'''
[docs]class UnknownListingError(ListingError): '''Failed to determine type of listing.'''
[docs]class LineParser(object): '''Parse individual lines in a listing.''' def __init__(self): self.type = None self.date_format = None self.is_day_period = None
[docs] def guess_type(self, sample_lines): '''Guess the type of listing from a sample of lines.''' self.type = guess_listing_type(sample_lines) return self.type
[docs] def set_datetime_format(self, datetime_format): '''Set the datetime format.''' self.date_format, self.is_day_period = datetime_format
[docs] def parse(self, lines): '''Parse the lines.''' if self.type == 'msdos': return self.parse_msdos(lines) elif self.type == 'unix': return self.parse_unix(lines) elif self.type == 'nlst': return self.parse_nlst(lines) else: raise UnknownListingError('Unsupported listing type.')
[docs] def parse_datetime(self, text): '''Parse datetime from line of text.''' return parse_datetime(text, date_format=self.date_format, is_day_period=self.is_day_period)
[docs] def parse_nlst(self, lines): '''Parse lines from a NLST format.''' for line in lines: yield FileEntry(line)
[docs] def parse_msdos(self, lines): '''Parse lines from a MS-DOS format.''' for line in lines: fields = line.split(None, 4) date_str = fields[0] time_str = fields[1] datetime_str = '{} {}'.format(date_str, time_str) file_datetime = self.parse_datetime(datetime_str)[0] if fields[2] == '<DIR>': file_size = None file_type = 'dir' else: file_size = parse_int(fields[2]) file_type = 'file' filename = fields[3] yield FileEntry(filename, file_type, file_size, file_datetime)
[docs] def parse_unix(self, lines): '''Parse listings from a Unix ls command format.''' # This method uses some Filezilla parsing algorithms for line in lines: original_line = line fields = line.split(' ') after_perm_index = 0 # Search for the permissions field by checking the file type for field in fields: after_perm_index += len(field) if not field: continue # If the filesystem goes corrupt, it may show ? instead # but I don't really care in that situation. if field[0] in 'bcdlps-': if field[0] == 'd': file_type = 'dir' elif field[0] == '-': file_type = 'file' elif field[0] == 'l': file_type = 'symlink' else: file_type = 'other' perms = parse_unix_perm(field[1:]) break else: raise ListingError('Failed to parse file type.') line = line[after_perm_index:] # We look for the position of the date and use the integer # before it as the file size. # We look for the position of the time and use the text # after it as the filename while line: try: datetime_obj, start_index, end_index = self.parse_datetime(line) except ValueError: line = line[4:] else: break else: raise ListingError( 'Could parse a date from {}'.format(repr(original_line))) file_size = int(line[:start_index].rstrip().rpartition(' ')[-1]) filename = line[end_index:].strip() if file_type == 'symlink': filename, sep, symlink_dest = filename.partition(' -> ') else: symlink_dest = None yield FileEntry(filename, file_type, file_size, datetime_obj, symlink_dest, perm=perms)
[docs]def guess_listing_type(lines, threshold=100): '''Guess the style of directory listing. Returns: str: ``unix``, ``msdos``, ``nlst``, ``unknown``. ''' scores = { 'unix': 0, 'msdos': 0, 'nlst': 0, } for line in lines: if not line: continue if'---|r--|rw-|rwx', line): scores['unix'] += 1 if '<DIR>' in line or'^.{0,4}\d\d', line): scores['msdos'] += 1 words = line.split(' ', 1) if len(words) == 1: scores['nlst'] += 1 if max(scores.values()) > threshold: break top = max(scores.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]) if top[1]: return top[0] else: return 'unknown'
NUM_GROUPER_TABLE = str.maketrans('', '', ' ,')
[docs]def parse_int(text): '''Parse a integer containing potential grouping characters.''' text = text.translate(NUM_GROUPER_TABLE) return int(text)
[docs]def parse_unix_perm(text): '''Parse a Unix permission string and return integer value.''' # Based on ftp-ls.c symperms if len(text) != 9: return 0 perms = 0 for triad_index in range(3): string_index = triad_index * 3 perms <<= 3 if text[string_index] == 'r': perms |= 1 << 2 if text[string_index + 1] == 'w': perms |= 1 << 1 if text[string_index + 2] in 'xs': perms |= 1 return perms
[docs]class ListingParser(LineParser): '''Listing parser. Args: text (str): A text listing. file: A file object in text mode containing the listing. ''' def __init__(self, text=None, file=None): super().__init__() self._text = text self._file = file
[docs] def parse_input(self): '''Parse the listings. Returns: iter: A iterable of :class:`` ''' if self._text: lines = iter(self._text.splitlines()) elif self._file: lines = self._file else: lines = () sample_lines = [] for line in lines: if len(sample_lines) > 100: break sample_lines.append(line) lines = itertools.chain(sample_lines, lines) self.guess_type(sample_lines) datetime_format = sample_lines) self.set_datetime_format(datetime_format) return self.parse(lines)