Source code for wpull.document.css

'''Stylesheet reader.'''
import codecs
import io
import re

from wpull.document.base import BaseDocumentDetector, BaseTextStreamReader, \
from wpull.regexstream import RegexStream
import wpull.string
import wpull.util

[docs]class CSSReader(BaseDocumentDetector, BaseTextStreamReader): '''Cascading Stylesheet Document Reader.''' URL_PATTERN = r'''url\(\s*(['"]?)(.{1,500}?)(?:\1)\s*\)''' IMPORT_URL_PATTERN = r'''@import\s*(?:url\()?['"]?([^\s'")]{1,500}).*?;''' URL_REGEX = re.compile(r'{}|{}'.format(URL_PATTERN, IMPORT_URL_PATTERN)) BUFFER_SIZE = 1048576 STREAM_REWIND = 4096 @classmethod
[docs] def is_url(cls, url_info): '''Return whether the document is likely to be CSS.''' if '.css' in url_info.path.lower(): return True
[docs] def is_request(cls, request): '''Return whether the document is likely to be CSS.''' return cls.is_url(request.url_info)
[docs] def is_response(cls, response): '''Return whether the document is likely to be CSS.''' if 'css' in response.fields.get('content-type', '').lower(): return True if response.body: # Stylesheet mistakenly served as HTML if 'html' in response.fields.get('content-type', '').lower(): return cls.is_file(response.body)
[docs] def is_file(cls, file): '''Return whether the file is likely CSS.''' peeked_data = wpull.string.printable_bytes( wpull.util.peek_file(file)).lower() if b'<html' in peeked_data: return VeryFalse if'@import |color:|background[a-z-]*:|font[a-z-]*:', peeked_data): return True
[docs] def iter_text(self, file, encoding=None): if isinstance(file, io.TextIOBase): stream = file else: stream = codecs.getreader(encoding or 'latin1')(file) regex_stream = RegexStream(stream, self.URL_REGEX) for match, text in if match: yield (text, 'import' if else 'url') else: yield (text, False)