Source code for wpull.database.sqltable

'''SQLAlchemy table implementations.'''
import abc
import contextlib
import enum
import logging

import sqlalchemy.event
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.pool import SingletonThreadPool
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import insert, update, select, delete, \

from wpull.database.base import BaseURLTable, NotFound
from wpull.database.sqlmodel import QueuedURL, URLString, DBBase, WARCVisit, \
    Hostname, QueuedFile
from wpull.pipeline.item import Status
from wpull.url import URLInfo

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseSQLURLTable(BaseURLTable): @abc.abstractproperty def _session_maker(self): pass @contextlib.contextmanager def _session(self): """Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations.""" # Taken from the session docs. session = self._session_maker() try: yield session session.commit() except: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs] def count(self): with self._session() as session: return session.query(QueuedURL).count()
[docs] def get_one(self, url): with self._session() as session: result = session.query(QueuedURL).filter_by(url=url).first() if not result: raise NotFound() else: return result.to_plain()
[docs] def get_all(self): with self._session() as session: for item in session.query(QueuedURL): yield item.to_plain()
[docs] def add_many(self, new_urls): assert not isinstance(new_urls, (str, bytes)), \ 'Expected a list-like. Got {}'.format(new_urls) new_urls = tuple(new_urls) if not new_urls: return () assert isinstance(new_urls[0][0], str), type(new_urls[0][0]) url_strings = [] for url, properties, data in new_urls: url_strings.append(url) if properties: if properties.parent_url: url_strings.append(properties.parent_url) if properties.root_url: url_strings.append(properties.root_url) with self._session() as session: URLString.add_urls(session, url_strings) bind_values = {} bind_values['url_string_id'] = select([])\ .where(URLString.url == bindparam('url')) bind_values['parent_url_string_id'] = select([]) \ .where(URLString.url == bindparam('parent_url')) bind_values['root_url_string_id'] = select([]) \ .where(URLString.url == bindparam('root_url')) query = insert(QueuedURL).prefix_with('OR IGNORE').values(bind_values) all_row_values = [] column_names = set() for url, url_properties, url_data in new_urls: row_values = { 'url': url, } if url_properties: row_values.update(url_properties.database_items()) else: row_values['root_url'] = url row_values['parent_url'] = url if url_data: row_values.update(url_data.database_items()) convert_dict_enum_values(row_values) all_row_values.append(row_values) column_names.update(row_values.keys()) for row_value in all_row_values: for name in column_names: if name not in row_value: row_value[name] = None with QueuedURL.watch_urls_inserted(session) as get_inserted_urls: session.execute(query, all_row_values) added_urls = get_inserted_urls() hostnames = (URLInfo.parse(url).hostname for url in added_urls) session.execute( insert(Hostname).prefix_with('OR IGNORE'), [{'hostname': hostname} for hostname in hostnames] ) return added_urls
[docs] def check_out(self, filter_status, level=None): with self._session() as session: if level is None: url_record = session.query(QueuedURL).filter_by( status=filter_status.value).first() else: url_record = session.query(QueuedURL)\ .filter( QueuedURL.status == filter_status.value, QueuedURL.level < level, ).first() if not url_record: raise NotFound() url_record.status = Status.in_progress.value return url_record.to_plain()
[docs] def check_in(self, url, new_status, increment_try_count=True, url_result=None): with self._session() as session: values = { QueuedURL.status: new_status.value } if url_result: values.update(url_result.database_items()) if increment_try_count: values[QueuedURL.try_count] = QueuedURL.try_count + 1 # TODO: rewrite as a join for clarity subquery = select([]).where(URLString.url == url)\ .limit(1) query = update(QueuedURL).values(values)\ .where(QueuedURL.url_string_id == subquery) session.execute(query) if new_status == Status.done and url_result and url_result.filename: query = insert(QueuedFile).prefix_with('OR IGNORE').values({ 'queued_url_id': subquery }) session.execute(query)
[docs] def update_one(self, url, **kwargs): with self._session() as session: values = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): values[getattr(QueuedURL, key)] = value # TODO: rewrite as a join for clarity subquery = select([]).where(URLString.url == url)\ .limit(1) query = update(QueuedURL).values(values)\ .where(QueuedURL.url_string_id == subquery) session.execute(query)
[docs] def release(self): with self._session() as session: query = update(QueuedURL).values({QueuedURL.status: Status.todo.value})\ .where(QueuedURL.status==Status.in_progress.value) session.execute(query) query = update(QueuedFile).values({QueuedFile.status: Status.todo.value}) \ .where(QueuedFile.status==Status.in_progress.value) session.execute(query)
[docs] def remove_many(self, urls): assert not isinstance(urls, (str, bytes)), \ 'Expected list-like. Got {}.'.format(urls) with self._session() as session: for url in urls: url_str_id = session.query(\ .filter_by(url=url).scalar() query = delete(QueuedURL).where(QueuedURL.url_string_id == url_str_id) session.execute(query)
[docs] def add_visits(self, visits): with self._session() as session: WARCVisit.add_visits(session, visits)
[docs] def get_revisit_id(self, url, payload_digest): with self._session() as session: return WARCVisit.get_revisit_id(session, url, payload_digest)
[docs] def get_hostnames(self): hostnames = [] with self._session() as session: for row in session.query(Hostname.hostname): hostnames.append(row[0]) return hostnames
[docs] def get_root_url_todo_count(self): with self._session() as session: return session.query(func.count(\ .filter_by(status=Status.todo.value)\ .filter_by(level=0).scalar()
[docs] def convert_check_out(self): with self._session() as session: queued_file = session.query(QueuedFile).filter_by( status=Status.todo.value).first() if not queued_file: raise NotFound() queued_file.status = Status.in_progress.value return, queued_file.queued_url.to_plain()
[docs] def convert_check_in(self, file_id, status): with self._session() as session: values = { 'status': status.value } query = update(QueuedFile).values(values) \ .where( == file_id) session.execute(query)
[docs]class SQLiteURLTable(BaseSQLURLTable): '''URL table with SQLite storage. Args: path: A SQLite filename ''' def __init__(self, path=':memory:'): super().__init__() # We use a SingletonThreadPool always because we are using WAL # and want SQLite to handle the checkpoints. Otherwise NullPool # will open and close the connection rapidly, defeating the purpose # of WAL. escaped_path = path.replace('?', '_') self._engine = create_engine( 'sqlite:///{0}'.format(escaped_path), poolclass=SingletonThreadPool) sqlalchemy.event.listen( self._engine, 'connect', self._apply_pragmas_callback) DBBase.metadata.create_all(self._engine) self._session_maker_instance = sessionmaker(bind=self._engine) @classmethod def _apply_pragmas_callback(cls, connection, record): '''Set SQLite pragmas. Write-ahead logging, synchronous=NORMAL is used. ''' _logger.debug('Setting pragmas.') connection.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL') connection.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL') @property def _session_maker(self): return self._session_maker_instance
[docs] def close(self): self._engine.dispose()
[docs]class GenericSQLURLTable(BaseSQLURLTable): '''URL table using SQLAlchemy without any customizations. Args: url: A SQLAlchemy database URL. ''' def __init__(self, url): super().__init__() self._engine = create_engine(url) DBBase.metadata.create_all(self._engine) self._session_maker_instance = sessionmaker(bind=self._engine) @property def _session_maker(self): return self._session_maker_instance
[docs] def close(self): self._engine.dispose()
URLTable = SQLiteURLTable '''The default URL table implementation.'''
[docs]def convert_dict_enum_values(dict_): for key, value in dict_.items(): if isinstance(value, enum.Enum): value = value.value dict_[key] = value
__all__ = ( 'BaseSQLURLTable', 'SQLiteURLTable', 'GenericSQLURLTable', 'URLTable', 'convert_dict_enum_values' )