Source code for wpull.application.options

# encoding=utf-8
'''Program options.'''
import argparse
import gettext
import logging
import os
import ssl
import sys

from wpull.backport.logging import BraceMessage as __
from wpull.util import IS_PYPY
import wpull.resmon
import wpull.string
import wpull.version

_ = gettext.gettext
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

LOG_VERBOSE = logging.INFO - 1

BOOLEAN_VALUES = ('yes', 'on', '1', 'off', 'no', '0')
BOOLEAN_TRUE_VALUES = ('yes', 'on', '1')

[docs]class CommaChoiceListArgs(frozenset): '''Specialized frozenset. This class overrides the ``__contains__`` function to allow the use of the ``in`` operator for ArgumentParser's ``choices`` checking for comma separated lists. The function behaves differently only when the objects compared are `CommaChoiceListArgs`. ''' def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, CommaChoiceListArgs): return item <= self else: return frozenset.__contains__(self, item)
[docs]class AppHelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): def _metavar_formatter(self, action, default_metavar): # Modified from argparse if action.choices is not None: if action.metavar is not None: result = action.metavar + '=' else: result = '' choice_strs = sorted([str(choice) for choice in action.choices]) if isinstance(action.choices, CommaChoiceListArgs): result += '<%s>' % ','.join(choice_strs) else: result += '{%s}' % ','.join(choice_strs) elif action.metavar is not None: result = action.metavar else: result = default_metavar def format(tuple_size): if isinstance(result, tuple): return result else: return (result,) * tuple_size return format def _get_help_string(self, action): # Modified from argparse help = if '%(default)' not in if action.default and not isinstance(action.default, bool) \ and action.default is not argparse.SUPPRESS: defaulting_nargs = [argparse.OPTIONAL, argparse.ZERO_OR_MORE] if action.option_strings or action.nargs in defaulting_nargs: help += _(' (default: %(default)s)') return help
[docs]class AppArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): '''An Argument Parser that builds up the application options.''' # TODO: implement all sane options def __init__(self, *args, real_exit=True, **kwargs): super().__init__( *args, description=_('Wget-compatible web downloader and crawler.'), formatter_class=AppHelpFormatter, **kwargs ) self._real_exit = real_exit self._ssl_version_map = None self._add_app_args() @classmethod
[docs] def int_0_inf(cls, string): '''Convert string to int. If ``inf`` is supplied, it returns ``0``. ''' if string == 'inf': return 0 try: value = int(string) except ValueError as error: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(error) if value < 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(_('Value must not be negative.')) else: return value
[docs] def int_bytes(cls, string): '''Convert string describing size to int.''' if string[-1] in ('k', 'm'): value = cls.int_0_inf(string[:-1]) unit = string[-1] if unit == 'k': value *= 2 ** 10 else: value *= 2 ** 20 return value else: return cls.int_0_inf(string)
[docs] def comma_list(cls, string): '''Convert a comma separated string to list.''' items = string.split(',') items = list([item.strip() for item in items]) return items
[docs] def comma_choice_list(cls, string): '''Convert a comma separated string to `CommaChoiceListArgs`.''' items = string.split(',') items = CommaChoiceListArgs([item.strip() for item in items]) return items
[docs] def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] encoding = self.get_argv_encoding(args) _logger.debug(__('Encoding: {0}', encoding)) args = super().parse_args( args=wpull.string.to_str(args, encoding=encoding), namespace=namespace ) self._post_parse_args(args) return args
[docs] def get_argv_encoding(cls, argv): encoding = 'utf-8' stripped_argv = [ wpull.string.printable_bytes(arg) for arg in wpull.string.to_bytes(argv, encoding='ascii', error='replace') ] try: index = stripped_argv.index(b'--local-encoding') except ValueError: pass else: encoding = stripped_argv[index + 1] return wpull.string.to_str(encoding)
[docs] def exit(self, status=0, message=None): if self._real_exit: argparse.ArgumentParser.exit(self, status=status, message=message) else: raise ValueError(str(status) + ' ' + str(message))
def _add_app_args(self): self.add_argument( 'urls', nargs='*', metavar='URL', help=_('the URL to be downloaded'), ) self._add_startup_args() self._add_log_and_input_args() self._add_proxy_args() self._add_download_args() self._add_directories_args() self._add_http_args() self._add_ssl_args() self._add_ftp_args() self._add_warc_args() self._add_recursive_args() self._add_accept_args() self._add_proxy_server_args() self._add_phantomjs_args() self._add_youtube_dl_args() def _add_startup_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group(_('startup')) group.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='version', version=wpull.version.__version__ ) # group.add_argument( # '-b', # '--background', # action='store_true', # help=_('run as background process') # ) # group.add_argument( # '-e', # '--execute', # metavar='COMMAND', # action='append', # help=_('runs Wgetrc COMMAND'), # ) group.add_argument( '--plugin-script', metavar='FILE', help=_('load plugin script from FILE') ) group.add_argument( '--plugin-args', help=_('arguments for the plugin') ) database_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() database_group.add_argument( '--database', metavar='FILE', default=':memory:', help=_('save database tables into FILE instead of memory'), ) database_group.add_argument( '--database-uri', metavar='URI', help=_('save database tables at SQLAlchemy URI instead of memory'), ) group.add_argument( '--concurrent', metavar='N', default=1, type=self.int_0_inf, help=_('run at most N downloads at the same time'), ) group.add_argument( '--debug-console-port', metavar='PORT', type=int, help=_('run a web debug console at given port number') ) group.add_argument( '--debug-manhole', action='store_true', help=_('install Manhole debugging socket') ) group.add_argument( '--ignore-fatal-errors', action='store_true', help=_('ignore all internal fatal exception errors') ) if wpull.resmon.psutil: group.add_argument( '--monitor-disk', type=self.int_bytes, help=_('pause if minimum free disk space is exceeded') ) group.add_argument( '--monitor-memory', type=self.int_bytes, help=_('pause if minimum free memory is exceeded') ) def _add_log_and_input_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group(_('logging and input')) output_log_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() output_log_group.add_argument( '-o', '--output-file', metavar='FILE', help=_('write program messages to FILE') ) output_log_group.add_argument( '-a', '--append-output', metavar='FILE', help=_('append program messages to FILE') ) verbosity_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() verbosity_group.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', dest='verbosity', action='store_const', const=LOG_DEBUG, help=_('print debugging messages') ) verbosity_group.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbosity', action='store_const', const=LOG_VERBOSE, help=_('print informative program messages and detailed progress') ) verbosity_group.add_argument( '-nv', '--no-verbose', dest='verbosity', action='store_const', const=LOG_NO_VERBOSE, help=_('print informative program messages and errors') ) verbosity_group.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', dest='verbosity', action='store_const', const=LOG_QUIET, help=_('print program error messages') ) verbosity_group.add_argument( '-qq', '--very-quiet', dest='verbosity', action='store_const', const=LOG_VERY_QUIET, help=_('do not print program messages unless critical') ) group.add_argument( '--ascii-print', action='store_true', help=_('print program messages in ASCII only'), ) group.add_argument( '--report-speed', metavar='TYPE', choices=['bits'], help=_('print speed in bits only instead of human formatted units') ) group.add_argument( '-i', '--input-file', metavar='FILE', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help=_('download URLs listed in FILE'), ) group.add_argument( '-F', '--force-html', action='store_true', help=_('read URL input files as HTML files') ) group.add_argument( '-B', '--base', metavar='URL', help=_('resolves input relative URLs to URL') ) # group.add_argument( # '--config', # metavar='FILE', # type=argparse.FileType('rt'), # help=_('read configuration from FILE'), # ) def _add_proxy_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group(_('proxy')) group.add_argument( '--http-proxy', default=os.environ.get('http_proxy'), help=_('HTTP proxy for HTTP requests') ) group.add_argument( '--https-proxy', default=os.environ.get('https_proxy'), help=_('HTTP proxy for HTTPS requests') ) group.add_argument( '--proxy-user', metavar='USER', help=_('username for proxy "basic" authentication') ) group.add_argument( '--proxy-password', metavar='PASS', help=_('password for proxy "basic" authentication') ) group.add_argument( '--no-proxy', action='store_true', help=_('disable proxy support'), ) group.add_argument( '--proxy-domains', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('use proxy only from LIST of hostname suffixes') ) group.add_argument( '--proxy-exclude-domains', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, default=os.environ.get('no_proxy'), help=_('don’t use proxy only from LIST of hostname suffixes') ) group.add_argument( '--proxy-hostnames', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('use proxy only from LIST of hostnames') ) group.add_argument( '--proxy-exclude-hostnames', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('don’t use proxy only from LIST of hostnames') ) def _add_download_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group('download') group.add_argument( '-t', '--tries', metavar='NUMBER', type=self.int_0_inf, help=_('try NUMBER of times on transient errors'), default=20, ) group.add_argument( '--retry-connrefused', action='store_true', help=_('retry even if the server does not accept connections'), ) group.add_argument( '--retry-dns-error', action='store_true', help=_('retry even if DNS fails to resolve hostname'), ) group.add_argument( '-O', '--output-document', metavar='FILE', type=argparse.FileType('wb'), help=_('stream every document into FILE'), ) clobber_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() clobber_group.add_argument( '-nc', '--no-clobber', action='store_const', dest='clobber_method', const='disable', help=_('don’t use anti-clobbering filenames'), ) group.add_argument( '-c', '--continue', action='store_true', dest='continue_download', help=_('resume downloading a partially-downloaded file'), ) group.add_argument( '--progress', metavar='TYPE', choices=['dot', 'bar', 'none'], default='bar', help=_('choose the type of progress indicator'), ) clobber_group.add_argument( '-N', '--timestamping', action='store_true', help=_('only download files that are newer than local files'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-use-server-timestamps', dest='use_server_timestamps', action='store_false', default=True, help=_('don’t set the last-modified time on files'), ) group.add_argument( '-S', '--server-response', action='store_true', help=_('print the protocol responses from the server'), ) # group.add_argument( # '--spider', # action='store_true', # help=_('don’t download but check if URLs exist'), # ) group.add_argument( '-T', '--timeout', metavar='SECONDS', type=float, help=_('set DNS, connect, read timeout options to SECONDS'), ) group.add_argument( '--dns-timeout', metavar='SECS', type=float, help=_('timeout after SECS seconds for DNS requests'), ) group.add_argument( '--connect-timeout', metavar='SECS', type=float, help=_('timeout after SECS seconds for connection requests'), ) group.add_argument( '--read-timeout', metavar='SECS', default=900, type=float, help=_('timeout after SECS seconds for reading requests'), ) group.add_argument( '--session-timeout', metavar='SECS', type=float, help=_('timeout after SECS seconds for downloading files'), ) group.add_argument( '-w', '--wait', metavar='SECONDS', type=float, default=0.0, help=_('wait SECONDS seconds between requests'), ) group.add_argument( '--waitretry', metavar='SECONDS', type=float, default=10.0, help=_('wait up to SECONDS seconds on retries'), ) group.add_argument( '--random-wait', action='store_true', help=_('randomly perturb the time between requests'), ) group.add_argument( '-Q', '--quota', metavar='NUMBER', type=self.int_bytes, help=_('stop after downloading NUMBER bytes'), ) group.add_argument( '--bind-address', metavar='ADDRESS', help=_('bind to ADDRESS on the local host'), ) group.add_argument( '--limit-rate', metavar='RATE', type=self.int_bytes, help=_('limit download bandwidth to RATE'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-dns-cache', action='store_false', default=True, dest='dns_cache', help=_('disable caching of DNS lookups'), ) group.add_argument( '--rotate-dns', action='store_true', help=_('use different resolved IP addresses on requests'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-skip-getaddrinfo', dest='always_getaddrinfo', action='store_true', help=_("always use the OS's name resolver interface"), ) group.add_argument( '--restrict-file-names', metavar='MODES', type=self.comma_choice_list, choices=CommaChoiceListArgs( ['windows', 'unix', 'lower', 'upper', 'ascii', 'nocontrol'] ), default=['windows'] if == 'nt' else ['unix'], help=_('list of safe filename modes to use'), ) # group.add_argument( # '--ignore-case', # action='store_true', # help=_('use case-insensitivity on URLs'), # ) inet_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() inet_group.add_argument( '-4', '--inet4-only', action='store_const', dest='inet_family', const='IPv4', help=_('connect to IPv4 addresses only'), ) inet_group.add_argument( '-6', '--inet6-only', action='store_const', dest='inet_family', const='IPv6', help=_('connect to IPv6 addresses only'), ) inet_group.add_argument( '--prefer-family', metavar='FAMILY', choices=['none', 'IPv6', 'IPv4'], help=_('prefer to connect to FAMILY IP addresses'), ) group.add_argument( '--user', help=_('username for both FTP and HTTP authentication') ) password_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() password_group.add_argument( '--password', help=_('password for both FTP and HTTP authentication') ) # password_group.add_argument( # '--ask-password', # action='store_true', # help=_('ask for a password on each connection') # ) group.add_argument( '--no-iri', action='store_true', help=_('use ASCII encoding only') ) group.add_argument( '--local-encoding', metavar='ENC', help=_('use ENC as the encoding of input files and options') ) group.add_argument( '--remote-encoding', metavar='ENC', help=_('force decoding documents using codec ENC'), ) # group.add_argument( # '--unlink', # action='store_true', # help=_('unlink file before overwriting it') # ) group.add_argument( '--max-filename-length', metavar='NUMBER', default=160, type=int, help=_('limit filename length to NUMBER characters'), ) def _add_directories_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group(_('directories')) dir_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() dir_group.add_argument( '-nd', '--no-directories', action='store_const', const='no', dest='use_directories', help=_('don’t create directories'), ) dir_group.add_argument( '-x', '--force-directories', action='store_const', const='force', dest='use_directories', help=_('always create directories'), ) group.add_argument( '-nH', '--no-host-directories', dest='host_directories', action='store_false', default=True, help=_('don’t create directories for hostnames') ) group.add_argument( '--protocol-directories', action='store_true', help=_('create directories for URL schemes'), ) group.add_argument( '-P', '--directory-prefix', metavar='PREFIX', default=os.curdir, help=_('save everything under the directory PREFIX'), ) group.add_argument( '--cut-dirs', metavar='NUMBER', type=int, help=_('don’t make NUMBER of leading directories'), ) def _add_http_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group('HTTP') group.add_argument( '--http-user', help=_('username for HTTP authentication') ) group.add_argument( '--http-password', help=_('password for HTTP authentication') ) group.add_argument( '--no-cache', action='store_true', help=_('request server to not use cached version of files'), ) group.add_argument( '--default-page', metavar='NAME', default='index.html', help=_('use NAME as index page if not known'), ) group.add_argument( '-E', '--adjust-extension', action='store_true', help=_('append HTML or CSS file extension if needed') ) group.add_argument( '--ignore-length', action='store_true', help=_('ignore any Content-Length provided by the server') ) group.add_argument( '--header', metavar='STRING', default=[], action='append', help=_('adds STRING to the HTTP header') ) group.add_argument( '--max-redirect', metavar='NUMBER', type=int, help=_('follow only up to NUMBER document redirects'), default=20, ) group.add_argument( '--referer', metavar='URL', help=_('always use URL as the referrer'), ) group.add_argument( '--save-headers', action='store_true', help=_('include server header responses in files'), ) group.add_argument( '-U', '--user-agent', metavar='AGENT', help=_('use AGENT instead of Wpull’s user agent'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-robots', dest='robots', action='store_false', default=True, help=_('ignore robots.txt directives'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-http-keep-alive', dest='http_keep_alive', action='store_false', default=True, help=_('disable persistent HTTP connections') ) group.add_argument( '--no-cookies', dest='cookies', default=True, action='store_false', help=_('disables HTTP cookie support') ) group.add_argument( '--load-cookies', metavar='FILE', help=_('load Mozilla cookies.txt from FILE'), ) group.add_argument( '--save-cookies', metavar='FILE', help=_('save Mozilla cookies.txt to FILE'), ) group.add_argument( '--keep-session-cookies', action='store_true', help=_('include session cookies when saving cookies to file') ) post_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() post_group.add_argument( '--post-data', metavar='STRING', help=_('use POST for all requests with query STRING'), ) post_group.add_argument( '--post-file', metavar='FILE', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help=_('use POST for all requests with query in FILE') ) # group.add_argument( # '--method', # metavar='HTTPMethod', # ) # group.add_argument( # '--body-data', # metavar='STRING', # ) # group.add_argument( # '--body-file', # metavar='FILE' # ) group.add_argument( '--content-disposition', action='store_true', help=_('use filename given in Content-Disposition header') ) group.add_argument( '--content-on-error', action='store_true', help=_('keep error pages') ) # group.add_argument( # '--auth-no-challenge' # ) group.add_argument( '--http-compression', action='store_true', help=_('request servers to use HTTP compression'), ) group.add_argument( '--html-parser', choices=['html5lib'] if IS_PYPY else ['libxml2-lxml', 'html5lib'], default='html5lib', help=_('select HTML parsing library and strategy') ) group.add_argument( '--link-extractors', choices=CommaChoiceListArgs(['html', 'css', 'javascript']), type=self.comma_choice_list, default=['html', 'css', 'javascript'], help=_('specify which link extractors to use') ) group.add_argument( '--escaped-fragment', action='store_true', help=_('rewrite links with hash fragments to escaped fragments') ) group.add_argument( '--strip-session-id', action='store_true', help=_('remove session ID tokens from links') ) def _add_ssl_args(self): self._ssl_version_map = { # PROTOCOL_SSLv23 also selects TLS protocols 'auto': ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 } if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_SSLv2'): self._ssl_version_map['SSLv2'] = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv2 if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_SSLv3'): self._ssl_version_map['SSLv3'] = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3 if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1'): self._ssl_version_map['TLSv1'] = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1'): self._ssl_version_map['TLSv1.1'] = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1 if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2'): self._ssl_version_map['TLSv1.2'] = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 group = self.add_argument_group('SSL') group.add_argument( '--secure-protocol', metavar='PR', default='auto', choices=sorted(self._ssl_version_map), help=_('specify the version of the SSL protocol to use'), ) group.add_argument( '--https-only', action='store_true', help=_('download only HTTPS URLs') ) group.add_argument( '--no-check-certificate', dest='check_certificate', action='store_false', default=True, help=_('don’t validate SSL server certificates'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-strong-crypto', dest='strong_crypto', action='store_false', default=True, help=_('don’t use secure protocols/ciphers') ) group.add_argument( '--certificate', metavar='FILE', help=_('use FILE containing the local client certificate') ) group.add_argument( '--certificate-type', metavar='TYPE', choices=['PEM'], ) group.add_argument( '--private-key', metavar='FILE', help=_('use FILE containing the local client private key') ) group.add_argument( '--private-key-type', metavar='TYPE', choices=['PEM'], ) group.add_argument( '--ca-certificate', metavar='FILE', default='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt', help=_('load and use CA certificate bundle from FILE'), ) group.add_argument( '--ca-directory', metavar='DIR', default='/etc/ssl/certs/', help=_('load and use CA certificates from DIR'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-use-internal-ca-certs', action='store_false', dest='use_internal_ca_certs', help=_('don’t use CA certificates included with Wpull') ) group.add_argument( '--random-file', metavar='FILE', help=_('use data from FILE to seed the SSL PRNG') ) group.add_argument( '--edg-file', metavar='FILE', help=_('connect to entropy gathering daemon using socket FILE') ) def _add_ftp_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group('FTP') group.add_argument( '--ftp-user', metavar='USER', help=_('username for FTP login'), ) group.add_argument( '--ftp-password', metavar='PASS', help=_('password for FTP login'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-remove-listing', action='store_false', default=True, dest='remove_listing', help=_('keep directory file listings') ) group.add_argument( '--no-glob', action='store_false', default=True, dest='glob', help=_('don’t use filename glob patterns on FTP URLs') ) # group.add_argument( # '--no-passive-ftp', # action='store_true', # ) group.add_argument( '--preserve-permissions', action='store_true', help=_('apply server\'s Unix file permissions on downloaded files') ) group.add_argument( '--retr-symlinks', default='on', nargs='?', choices=BOOLEAN_VALUES, help=_('if disabled, preserve symlinks and run with security risks') ) def _add_warc_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group('WARC') group.add_argument( '--warc-file', metavar='FILENAME', help=_('save WARC file to filename prefixed with FILENAME'), ) group.add_argument( '--warc-append', action='store_true', help=_('append instead of overwrite the output WARC file') ) group.add_argument( '--warc-header', metavar='STRING', action='append', default=[], help=_('include STRING in WARC file metadata'), ) group.add_argument( '--warc-max-size', type=self.int_bytes, metavar='NUMBER', help=_('write sequential WARC files sized about NUMBER bytes') ) group.add_argument( '--warc-move', metavar='DIRECTORY', default=None, help=_('move WARC files to DIRECTORY as they complete') ) group.add_argument( '--warc-cdx', action='store_true', help=_('write CDX file along with the WARC file') ) group.add_argument( '--warc-dedup', metavar='FILE', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help=_('write revisit records using digests in FILE') ) group.add_argument( '--no-warc-compression', action='store_true', help=_('do not compress the WARC file'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-warc-digests', action='store_false', dest='warc_digests', default=True, help=_('do not compute and save SHA1 hash digests') ) group.add_argument( '--no-warc-keep-log', action='store_false', dest='warc_log', default=True, help=_('do not save a log into the WARC file'), ) group.add_argument( '--warc-tempdir', metavar='DIRECTORY', default=os.curdir, help=_('use temporary DIRECTORY for preparing WARC files'), ) def _add_recursive_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group(_('recursion')) group.add_argument( '-r', '--recursive', action='store_true', help=_('follow links and download them'), ) group.add_argument( '-l', '--level', metavar='NUMBER', type=self.int_0_inf, default=5, help=_('limit recursion depth to NUMBER') ) group.add_argument( '--delete-after', action='store_true', help=_('download files temporarily and delete them after'), ) group.add_argument( '-k', '--convert-links', action='store_true', help=_('rewrite links in files that point to local files') ) group.add_argument( '-K', '--backup-converted', action='store_true', help=_('save original files before converting their links') ) # group.add_argument( # '-m', # '--mirror', # action='store_true', # help=_('use options "-N -r -l inf --no-remove-listing"') # ) group.add_argument( '-p', '--page-requisites', action='store_true', help=_('download objects embedded in pages') ) group.add_argument( '--page-requisites-level', metavar='NUMBER', type=self.int_0_inf, default=5, help=_('limit page-requisites recursion depth to NUMBER') ) # group.add_argument( # '--strict-comments', # action='store_true', # help=_('use strict SGML comment parsing') # ) group.add_argument( '--sitemaps', action='store_true', help=_('download Sitemaps to discover more links') ) def _add_accept_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group(_('filters')) group.add_argument( '-A', '--accept', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('download only files with suffix in LIST'), ) group.add_argument( '-R', '--reject', metavar='LIST', help=_('don’t download files with suffix in LIST'), ) group.add_argument( '--accept-regex', metavar='REGEX', help=_('download only URLs matching REGEX'), ) group.add_argument( '--reject-regex', metavar='REGEX', help=_('don’t download URLs matching REGEX'), ) group.add_argument( '--regex-type', metavar='TYPE', choices=['pcre'], help=_('use regex TYPE') ) group.add_argument( '-D', '--domains', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('download only from LIST of hostname suffixes') ) group.add_argument( '--exclude-domains', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('don’t download from LIST of hostname suffixes') ) group.add_argument( '--hostnames', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('download only from LIST of hostnames') ) group.add_argument( '--exclude-hostnames', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('don’t download from LIST of hostnames') ) group.add_argument( '--follow-ftp', action='store_true', help=_('follow links to FTP sites') ) group.add_argument( '--follow-tags', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('follow only links contained in LIST of HTML tags'), ) group.add_argument( '--ignore-tags', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('don’t follow links contained in LIST of HTML tags'), ) span_hosts_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() span_hosts_group.add_argument( '-H', '--span-hosts', action='store_true', help=_('follow links and page requisites to other hostnames') ) span_hosts_group.add_argument( '--span-hosts-allow', metavar='LIST', choices=CommaChoiceListArgs(['page-requisites', 'linked-pages']), type=self.comma_choice_list, default=[], help=_('selectively span hosts for resource types in LIST') ) group.add_argument( '-L', '--relative', action='store_true', help=_('follow only relative links') ) group.add_argument( '-I', '--include-directories', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('download only paths in LIST') ) group.add_argument( '--trust-server-names', action='store_true', help=_('use the last given URL for filename during redirects') ) group.add_argument( '-X', '--exclude-directories', metavar='LIST', type=self.comma_list, help=_('don’t download paths in LIST') ) group.add_argument( '-np', '--no-parent', action='store_true', help=_('don’t follow to parent directories on URL path'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-strong-redirects', dest='strong_redirects', action='store_false', default=True, help=_('don’t implicitly allow span hosts for redirects'), ) def _add_proxy_server_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group(_('proxy server')) group.add_argument( '--proxy-server', action='store_true', help=_('run HTTP proxy server for capturing requests'), ) group.add_argument( '--proxy-server-address', default='localhost', metavar='ADDRESS', help=_('bind the proxy server to ADDRESS') ) group.add_argument( '--proxy-server-port', type=int, default=0, metavar='PORT', help=_('bind the proxy server port to PORT') ) def _add_phantomjs_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group(_('PhantomJS')) group.add_argument( '--phantomjs', action='store_true', help=_('use PhantomJS for loading dynamic pages'), ) group.add_argument( '--phantomjs-exe', metavar='PATH', default='phantomjs', help=_('path of PhantomJS executable') ) group.add_argument( '--phantomjs-max-time', default=900, type=self.int_0_inf, help=_('maximum duration of PhantomJS session') ) group.add_argument( '--phantomjs-scroll', type=int, default=20, metavar='NUM', help=_('scroll the page up to NUM times'), ) group.add_argument( '--phantomjs-wait', type=float, default=1.0, metavar='SEC', help=_('wait SEC seconds between page interactions'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-phantomjs-snapshot', action='store_false', dest='phantomjs_snapshot', default=True, help=_('don’t take dynamic page snapshots'), ) group.add_argument( '--no-phantomjs-smart-scroll', action='store_false', dest='phantomjs_smart_scroll', default=True, help=_('always scroll the page to maximum scroll count option'), ) def _add_youtube_dl_args(self): group = self.add_argument_group(_('youtube-dl')) group.add_argument( '--youtube-dl', action='store_true', help=_('use youtube-dl for downloading videos'), ) group.add_argument( '--youtube-dl-exe', metavar='PATH', default='youtube-dl', help=_('path of youtube-dl executable') ) def _post_parse_args(self, args): if args.warc_file: self._post_warc_args(args) if not args.input_file and not args.urls: self.error(_('no URL provided')) self._post_ssl_args(args) if not args.recursive: args.robots = False if args.no_iri and (args.local_encoding or args.remote_encoding): self.error(_('disabling IRI support forces use of ASCII encoding')) elif args.no_iri: args.local_encoding = 'ascii' args.remote_encoding = 'ascii' if not args.verbosity: if args.concurrent > 1: args.verbosity = LOG_NO_VERBOSE else: args.verbosity = LOG_VERBOSE if (args.proxy_user or args.proxy_password) and not \ (args.proxy_user and args.proxy_password): self.error(_('both username and password must be supplied')) assert args.retr_symlinks in BOOLEAN_VALUES args.retr_symlinks = args.retr_symlinks in BOOLEAN_TRUE_VALUES def _post_warc_args(self, args): option_names = ('clobber_method', 'timestamping', 'continue_download') for option_name in option_names: if vars(args).get(option_name): self.error( _('WARC output cannot be combined with {option_name}.') .format(option_name=option_name) ) if args.warc_move and not os.path.isdir(args.warc_move): self.error('WARC destination {path} is not a directory.' .format(path=args.warc_move)) def _post_ssl_args(self, args): if args.secure_protocol: args.secure_protocol = self._ssl_version_map[args.secure_protocol] if args.certificate and not os.path.exists(args.certificate): self.error(_('certificate file not found')) if args.private_key and not os.path.exists(args.private_key): self.error(_('private key file not found'))