Source code for wpull.stats

# encoding=utf-8
import logging
import os
import shelve
import tempfile
import time
from collections import Counter
from typing import Optional

from wpull.database.base import BaseURLTable
from wpull.errors import ERROR_PRIORITIES
from import BandwidthMeter

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Statistics(object): '''Statistics. Attributes: start_time (float): Timestamp when the engine started. stop_time (float): Timestamp when the engine stopped. files (int): Number of files downloaded. size (int): Size of files in bytes. errors: a Counter mapping error types to integer. quota (int): Threshold of number of bytes when the download quota is exceeded. bandwidth_meter (:class:`.network.BandwidthMeter`): The bandwidth meter. ''' def __init__(self, url_table: Optional[BaseURLTable]=None): self.start_time = None self.stop_time = None self.files = 0 self.size = 0 self.errors = Counter() self.quota = None self.bandwidth_meter = BandwidthMeter() self._url_table = url_table
[docs] def start(self): '''Record the start time.''' self.start_time = time.time() self.bandwidth_meter.feed(1)
[docs] def stop(self): '''Record the stop time.''' self.stop_time = time.time()
@property def duration(self) -> float: '''Return the time in seconds the interval.''' return self.stop_time - self.start_time
[docs] def increment(self, size: int): '''Increment the number of files downloaded. Args: size: The size of the file ''' assert size >= 0, size self.files += 1 self.size += size self.bandwidth_meter.feed(size)
@property def is_quota_exceeded(self) -> bool: '''Return whether the quota is exceeded.''' if self.quota and self._url_table is not None: return self.size >= self.quota and \ self._url_table.get_root_url_todo_count() == 0
[docs] def increment_error(self, error: Exception): '''Increment the error counter preferring base exceptions.''' _logger.debug('Increment error %s', error) for error_class in ERROR_PRIORITIES: if isinstance(error, error_class): self.errors[error_class] += 1 return self.errors[type(error)] += 1