Source code for wpull.proxy.client

'''Proxy support for HTTP requests.'''
import asyncio
import base64
import io
import logging

import wpull.string
from wpull.errors import NetworkError
from import ConnectionPool
from wpull.protocol.http.request import RawRequest
from import Stream

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HTTPProxyConnectionPool(ConnectionPool): '''Establish pooled connections to a HTTP proxy. Args: proxy_address (tuple): Tuple containing host and port of the proxy server. connection_pool (:class:`.connection.ConnectionPool`): Connection pool proxy_ssl (bool): Whether to connect to the proxy using HTTPS. authentication (tuple): Tuple containing username and password. ssl_context: SSL context for SSL connections on TCP tunnels. host_filter (:class:`.proxy.hostfilter.HostFilter`): Host filter which for deciding whether a connection is routed through the proxy. A test result that returns True is routed through the proxy. ''' def __init__(self, proxy_address, *args, proxy_ssl=False, authentication=None, ssl_context=True, host_filter=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._proxy_address = proxy_address self._proxy_ssl = proxy_ssl self._authentication = authentication self._ssl_context = ssl_context self._host_filter = host_filter if authentication: self._auth_header_value = 'Basic {}'.format( base64.b64encode( '{}:{}'.format(authentication[0], authentication[1]) .encode('ascii') ).decode('ascii') ) else: self._auth_header_value = None self._connection_map = {} @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def acquire(self, host, port, use_ssl=False, host_key=None): yield from self.acquire_proxy(host, port, use_ssl=use_ssl, host_key=host_key)
[docs] def acquire_proxy(self, host, port, use_ssl=False, host_key=None, tunnel=True): '''Check out a connection. This function is the same as acquire but with extra arguments concerning proxies. Coroutine. ''' if self._host_filter and not self._host_filter.test(host): connection = yield from \ super().acquire(host, port, use_ssl, host_key) return connection host_key = host_key or (host, port, use_ssl) proxy_host, proxy_port = self._proxy_address connection = yield from super().acquire( proxy_host, proxy_port, self._proxy_ssl, host_key=host_key ) connection.proxied = True _logger.debug('Request for proxy connection.') if connection.closed(): _logger.debug('Connecting to proxy.') yield from connection.connect() if tunnel: yield from self._establish_tunnel(connection, (host, port)) if use_ssl: ssl_connection = yield from connection.start_tls(self._ssl_context) ssl_connection.proxied = True ssl_connection.tunneled = True self._connection_map[ssl_connection] = connection connection.wrapped_connection = ssl_connection return ssl_connection if connection.wrapped_connection: ssl_connection = connection.wrapped_connection self._connection_map[ssl_connection] = connection return ssl_connection else: return connection
[docs] def release(self, proxy_connection): connection = self._connection_map.pop(proxy_connection, proxy_connection) yield from super().release(connection)
[docs] def no_wait_release(self, proxy_connection): connection = self._connection_map.pop(proxy_connection, proxy_connection) super().no_wait_release(connection)
@asyncio.coroutine def _establish_tunnel(self, connection, address): '''Establish a TCP tunnel. Coroutine. ''' host = '[{}]'.format(address[0]) if ':' in address[0] else address[0] port = address[1] request = RawRequest('CONNECT', '{0}:{1}'.format(host, port)) self.add_auth_header(request) stream = Stream(connection, keep_alive=True) _logger.debug('Sending Connect.') yield from stream.write_request(request) _logger.debug('Read proxy response.') response = yield from stream.read_response() if response.status_code != 200: debug_file = io.BytesIO() _logger.debug('Read proxy response body.') yield from stream.read_body(request, response, file=debug_file) _logger.debug(ascii( if response.status_code == 200: connection.tunneled = True else: raise NetworkError( 'Proxy does not support CONNECT: {} {}' .format(response.status_code, wpull.string.printable_str(response.reason)) )
[docs] def add_auth_header(self, request): '''Add the username and password to the HTTP request.''' if self._authentication: request.fields['Proxy-Authorization'] = self._auth_header_value