Source code for wpull.protocol.http.redirect

# encoding=utf8
'''Redirection tracking.'''
import wpull.url

[docs]class RedirectTracker(object): '''Keeps track of HTTP document URL redirects. Args: max_redirects (int): The maximum number of redirects to allow. codes: The HTTP status codes indicating a redirect where the method can change to "GET". repeat_codes: The HTTP status codes indicating a redirect where the method cannot change and future requests should be repeated. ''' REDIRECT_CODES = (301, 302, 303) REPEAT_REDIRECT_CODES = (307, 308) def __init__(self, max_redirects=20, codes=REDIRECT_CODES, repeat_codes=REPEAT_REDIRECT_CODES): self._max_redirects = max_redirects self._codes = codes self._repeat_codes = repeat_codes self._response = None self._num_redirects = 0
[docs] def load(self, response): '''Load the response and increment the counter. Args: response (:class:`.http.request.Response`): The response from a previous request. ''' self._response = response if self.next_location(raw=True): self._num_redirects += 1
[docs] def next_location(self, raw=False): '''Returns the next location. Args: raw (bool): If True, the original string contained in the Location field will be returned. Otherwise, the URL will be normalized to a complete URL. Returns: str, None: If str, the location. Otherwise, no next location. ''' if self._response: location = self._response.fields.get('location') if not location or raw: return location return wpull.url.urljoin(self._response.request.url_info.url, location)
[docs] def is_redirect(self): '''Return whether the response contains a redirect code.''' if self._response: status_code = self._response.status_code return status_code in self._codes \ or status_code in self._repeat_codes
[docs] def is_repeat(self): '''Return whether the next request should be repeated.''' if self._response: return self._response.status_code in self._repeat_codes
[docs] def count(self): '''Return the number of redirects received so far.''' return self._num_redirects
[docs] def exceeded(self): '''Return whether the number of redirects has exceeded the maximum.''' return self._num_redirects > self._max_redirects