Source code for wpull.protocol.abstract.request

'''Request object abstractions'''
import abc

from wpull.url import URLInfo

[docs]class DictableMixin(object): @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def to_dict(self): '''Convert to a dict suitable for JSON.'''
[docs] def call_to_dict_or_none(cls, instance): '''Call ``to_dict`` or return ``None``.''' if hasattr(instance, 'to_dict'): return instance.to_dict()
[docs]class SerializableMixin(object): '''Serialize and unserialize methods.''' @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def to_bytes(self): '''Serialize to HTTP bytes.'''
[docs] def parse(self, data): '''Parse from HTTP bytes.'''
[docs]class URLPropertyMixin(object): '''Provide URL as a property. Attributes: url (str): The complete URL string. url_info (:class:`.url.URLInfo`): The URLInfo of the `url` attribute. Setting :attr:`url` or :attr:`url_info` will update the other respectively. ''' def __init__(self): self._url = None self._url_info = None @property def url(self): return self._url @url.setter def url(self, url_str): self._url = url_str self._url_info = URLInfo.parse(url_str) @property def url_info(self): return self._url_info @url_info.setter def url_info(self, url_info): self._url_info = url_info self._url = url_info.url
[docs]class ProtocolResponseMixin(object): '''Protocol abstraction for response objects.''' @abc.abstractproperty def protocol(self): '''Name of the protocol. Returns: str: Either ``ftp`` or ``http``. ''' @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def response_code(self): '''Response code representative for the protocol. Returns: int: The status code for HTTP or the final reply code for FTP. '''
[docs] def response_message(self): '''Response message representative for the protocol. Returns: str: The status line reason for HTTP or a reply message for FTP. '''
[docs]class BaseRequest(URLPropertyMixin): @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def set_continue(self, offset: int): pass
[docs]class BaseResponse(ProtocolResponseMixin): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.body = None self.request = None