Source code for wpull.driver.phantomjs

import json
import logging
import os.path
import subprocess
import tempfile

import namedlist
import asyncio

from wpull.driver.process import Process
import wpull.util

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PhantomJSDriverParams = namedlist.namedtuple(
    'PhantomJSDriverParamsType', [
        ('snapshot_paths', []),
        ('wait_time', 1),
        ('num_scrolls', 10),
        ('smart_scroll', True),
        ('snapshot', True),
        ('viewport_size', (1200, 1920)),
        ('paper_size', (2400, 3840)),
        ('event_log_filename', None),
        ('action_log_filename', None),
        ('custom_headers', {}),
        ('page_settings', {}),
'''PhantomJS Driver parameters

    url (str): URL of page to fetch.
    snapshot_type (list): List of filenames. Accepted extensions are html,
        pdf, png, gif.
    wait_time (float): Time between page scrolls.
    num_scrolls (int): Maximum number of scrolls.
    smart_scroll (bool): Whether to stop scrolling if number of
        requests & responses do not change.
    snapshot (bool): Whether to take snapshot files.
    viewport_size (tuple): Width and height of the page viewport.
    paper_size (tuple): Width and height of the paper size.
    event_log_filename (str): Path to save page events.
    action_log_filename (str): Path to save page action manipulation events.
    custom_headers (dict): Custom HTTP request headers.
    page_settings (dict): Page settings.

[docs]class PhantomJSDriver(Process): '''PhantomJS processing. Args: exe_path (str): Path of the PhantomJS executable. extra_args (list): Additional arguments for PhantomJS. Most likely, you'll want to pass proxy settings for capturing traffic. params (:class:`PhantomJSDriverParams`): Parameters for controlling the processing pipeline. This class launches PhantomJS that scrolls and saves snapshots. It can only be used once per URL. ''' def __init__(self, exe_path='phantomjs', extra_args=None, params=None): script_path = wpull.util.get_package_filename('driver/phantomjs.js') self._config_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='tmp-wpull-', suffix='.json', delete=False ) args = [exe_path] + (extra_args or []) + [script_path,] super().__init__(args, stderr_callback=self._stderr_callback) self._params = params @asyncio.coroutine def _stderr_callback(self, line): _logger.warning(line.decode('utf-8', 'replace').rstrip()) @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def start(self, use_atexit=True): _logger.debug('PhantomJS start.') self._write_config() yield from super().start(use_atexit)
def _write_config(self): '''Write the parameters to a file for PhantomJS to read.''' param_dict = { 'url': self._params.url, 'snapshot_paths': self._params.snapshot_paths, 'wait_time': self._params.wait_time, 'num_scrolls': self._params.num_scrolls, 'smart_scroll': self._params.smart_scroll, 'snapshot': self._params.snapshot, 'viewport_width': self._params.viewport_size[0], 'viewport_height': self._params.viewport_size[1], 'paper_width': self._params.paper_size[0], 'paper_height': self._params.paper_size[1], 'custom_headers': self._params.custom_headers, 'page_settings': self._params.page_settings, } if self._params.event_log_filename: param_dict['event_log_filename'] = \ os.path.abspath(self._params.event_log_filename) if self._params.action_log_filename: param_dict['action_log_filename'] = \ os.path.abspath(self._params.action_log_filename) config_text = json.dumps(param_dict) self._config_file.write(config_text.encode('utf-8')) # Close it so the phantomjs process can read it on Windows self._config_file.close()
[docs] def close(self): _logger.debug('Terminate phantomjs process.') super().close() if os.path.exists( os.remove(
[docs]def get_version(exe_path='phantomjs'): '''Get the version string of PhantomJS.''' process = subprocess.Popen( [exe_path, '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) version_string = process.communicate()[0] version_string = version_string.decode().strip() assert ' ' not in version_string, version_string return version_string